From the S4MMA site: "concerns have been raised
over whether NSF is providing sufficient support to the
theory side of Multi-Messenger Astronomy"
I think a more "holistic" perspective might
be useful, long-range plan (preparing for 2025?)
NSF and DOE?
More research funds:
graduate students or postdocs,
hubs or single-PI grants?
More tenure-track positions?
More software engineers?
More open-source and/or open data?
More career development? TALENT, etc?
claim: the single biggest challenge to our field at
this level isn't NSF funding, it's diversity, equity,
and inclusion.
Physics Challenges
Nuclear matter and the nucleon-nucleon
Neutron matter above saturation
Nuclear matter
Equation of state
T=0, T>0
composition and exotica
NS crust
superconductivity and superfluidity
Transport properties
mean field
Connection to nuclear structure and reactions
More on the Computing Side
Sanjay: Community software tools for modeling
central engines (supernovae, NS-SN and NS-BH
mergers, etc.) with standarized (EOS, opacities,
magnetic fields, etc.) input and output (multimessenger
signals) is urgently needed
Can we break up our codes into
"pluggable components/modules" or APIs so we can
create community frameworks?
Fundamental Science Questions
Can we identify the correct degrees of
freedom at all
relevant densities and temperatures?
What are the uncertainties in
the EOS for neutron matter beyond nuclear saturation?
Can we predict nuclear
saturation rather than fitting
to the "empirical saturation point"?
How can we more effectively
quantify the uncertainties
associated with the EOS and transport phenomena in
How can we better connect the EOS
and other properties
of the NNI to experiments and observations?
Can we simultaneously describe
light nuclei, heavy nuclei, and
nuclear matter with the same Hamiltonian?
I'm happy to update this (or it's on github)
Now, other comments, questions, and
suggestions from WG7 and others...